
Friday, July 09, 2004

Soul Surgery... as it is called by some... is nothing more than the process of letting God remove from our lives anything that hinders us from Him.  It means simply recongnizing some basic truths.
1) Sin hinders us in our lives.  2) Sin, simply stated, is anything that hinders our relationship to God.  3) To experience God's will, sin must be removed.  4) Sin is to be removed surgically by surrender to God's direction through His grace.  5) This is accomplished through conviction of the Holy Spirit, Confession of Faults, seeking God's guidance daily, restitution for wrongs and overall surrender to His will.  Evangelism is the sharing of God's grace with others that we have discovered.
God has a lot to cut out of me, but I must sign the pre-op papers and consent to the surgeon.  And like any doctor, the relationship is built on trust.  With confidence in the physician, we can figure that the result of surgery is a better prognosis than living life with cancer in our body.  Sin must be removed if we are to accomplish spiritiual health.
Why not make an appointment with the "soul" surgeon and explore your options.

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