
Monday, February 21, 2005

Kairos Time

"And do this, understanding the present time" Romans 13:11

This seems to be a kairos time for the church.

There are two Greek words used for time: chronos and kairos. On your arm is an instrument that measures "Chronos" time. (Yes, a watch).

Kairos time, by contrast, is a significant or "defining" moment...full of meaning and significance. It's what we might call the "Opportune" time or what biblical writer called the "fulness of time".
It's a "God moment". It's what the world calls "destiny".

It's those kind of moments that don't come every day, but when they do - they are to be seized. It is when heaven and earth meet in a way that the Lord's prayer is answered -thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven".

There are seasons and moments when God does present amazing opportunity. There have been moments like that in human history. The creation of the world, the birth of Jesus along with his death and resurrection. His coming will be a true kairos moment.

People have had such moments. Saul turned Paul on the road to Damascus. John on a lonely island being hit with a revelation of Jesus. Later on Martin Luther probably had one that led to the reformation.

I have had a few as well. The birth of a child, the grace when a sermon goes well. The day Jesus touched my life. I suspect you have had some too.

I really believe such moments - defining moments - are to be laid hold of. If we don't stay alert to them, we can miss the Spirit's call.

It is such a time as this for Palomar as a church. God has set such opportunites before us. It is time for us to "wake up " from spiritual sleep and be ready! Could this not only be a kairos moment for us and also for God's family throughout the world. Can we pray for kairos moments.

Rom 13:11-12 And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Maybe God is saying now is the time. What time is it? In your life? Let's lay aside the distractions and sins that "beset" us and sieze the destiny God has for believer. After all... it's time.

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